Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Training package specials are back!

2011 is your year! You have some serious training objectives and you're letting nothing stand in your way. Excellent! Soarbody Therapeutics is here as always to help you reach your goals. With this in mind, we have brought back the Training Package. Training packages offers discount on sports massage to those clients seriously striving for a specific training goal. The savings are significant! Check it out:

60 minute sports massage package = 5 treatments for $375
90 minute sports massage package = 5 treatments for for $450

That comes out to $75 for each 60 minute treatment and $90 for each 90 minute treatment! That's a great deal!

Now, these packages are for those striving to meet a specific goal, so there are some specific conditions that come with the package. They are a contract - one person, one goal, one package. You must buy your package by the end of February and the whole package must be used by September 1st. The package is nontransferable. We sit down to discuss your goals, how sports massage may help them and then you sign a contract agreeing to all the above conditions. Its all very personal, very focused and very success orientated - you'd expect nothing less from Soarbody Therapeutics!

I'm looking forward to helping you all reach your goals in 2011. See you in the treatment room!